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TEAM THEORY: Storming⛈️ - a stage of friction and conflict💢

=>Who is in charge?🤷‍♂️ How will we do this?

December 12, 2020

In the storming stage, people start to push against the established boundaries.
Conflict or friction can also arise between team members as their true characters🎭 surface and clash with other people's.

At this stage team members may challenge the authority👮‍♂️ or management style, or even the team's mission.
Left unchecked, this can lead to face-to-face confrontations 🤜🤛 or simmering online tensions.
If roles and responsibilities aren't yet clear, individuals might begin to feel overwhelmed😩 by their workload or frustrated at a lack of progress 📉.
This stage is perhaps an early test of whether the team has the ability to be a high performing🥇 one.
Giesen and Osborne (2008) believe that teams that can effectively manage conflict at this stage move on to a 'good' norming stage 😉.
⚠Teams that do not effectively manage conflict here move into a 'bad' norming stage where team development stalls 💥 and dysfunction may set in.