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Relationship of J2EE, Java EE and Jakarta EE

January 22, 2021

Ever heard of Java EE? How about Java 2EE, J2EE, or now Jakarta EE? Actually, these are all different names for the same thing: a set of enterprise specifications that extend Java SE.

Here is the correct brand naming history:
―J2EE 1.2
―J2EE 1.3
―J2EE 1.4
Then after May 2006
―Java EE 5
―Java EE 6
―Java EE 7
―Java EE 8
Then after 2019
―Jakarta EE 8
―Jakarta EE 9
Java EE has certainly evolved a lot during those years. It's nice to see it continuing to change and improve.
There are many challenges ahead, so let's hope for a smooth transition.