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⚛️ REACT Interview Question: JS Destructuring

· fullstack,react

Describe what is happening in this code?

const { name: firstName } = props;

* It is creating a new object that contains the same name property as the props object.

* It is assigning the value of the props object's firstName property to a constant called name.

* It is retrieving the value of

* It is assigning the value of the props object's name property to a constant called firstName.

#react #interview #question

The code above is using destructuring assignment to extract a single property from an object. In this case, the props object is being destructured and the name property is being assigned to a new variable named firstName.

Destructuring is a feature of JavaScript that allows you to extract values from objects or arrays and assign them to individual variables. In this code, the { name: firstName } syntax is saying to extract the name property from the props object and assign it to a new variable named firstName.

The syntax of destructuring is often used in React to extract props from a component and make them easier to use in the component's render method. In this case, the props object could contain many properties, but only the name property is needed, so it's being extracted and assigned to a new variable for convenience.

Here's an example of how the code might be used in a component:

function MyComponent(props) {

const { name: firstName } = props;

return 〈h1〉Hello, {firstName}〈/h1〉;


In this example, the props object would be passed to the MyComponent component as an argument. The destructuring assignment would extract the name property from props and assign it to a new variable named firstName, which could then be used in the component's render method.