@Target is an annotation that applies to other annotations. Annotations that apply to other annotations are called meta-annotations. There are several meta-annotation types defined in java.lang.annotation.
@Target annotation marks another annotation to restrict what kind of Java elements the annotation can be applied to.
A target annotation specifies one of the following element types as its value:
- ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE can be applied to an annotation type.
- ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR can be applied to a constructor.
- ElementType.FIELD can be applied to a field or property.
- ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE can be applied to a local variable.
- ElementType.METHOD can be applied to a method-level annotation.
- ElementType.PACKAGE can be applied to a package declaration.
- ElementType.PARAMETER can be applied to the parameters of a method.
- ElementType.TYPE can be applied to any element of a class.
With JDK11 there are also:
- ElementType.MODULE