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How to work with different types of software engineers

September 3, 2023

How to work with different types of #software engineers

The Procrastinator is a team member who delays tasks and misses deadlines.

Use a combination of firmness and support to help the Procrastinator prioritize tasks, update the Project Management tools, and complete the project on time.

The Lone Wolf 🐺

The Lone Wolf is a team member who works alone and resists collaboration.

Use a combination of encouragement and criticism to help the Lone Wolf share their ideas, participate in team decisions, and align with team goals.

The Negative Nancy 🙅‍♀️

The Negative Nancy is a team member who finds problems with every idea and resists change.

Use a combination of direct feedback and positive reinforcement to help the Negative Nancy bring solutions instead of problems and embrace change instead of avoiding it.

The Over-Promiser 🤥

An over-promiser is a team member who promises more than they can deliver and hides their struggles.

Use a combination of realistic expectations and open communication to help the Over-Promiser set achievable deadlines, break down tasks, and report any challenges they face.

The Know-It-All 🧞‍♂️

The Know-It-All is arrogant, closed-minded, and dismissive of others’ ideas.

Handle such situations by addressing the behavior directly, and emphasizing mutual respect and open-mindedness.

The Silent Type 🤫

The silent type is introverted and may struggle with communication.

Manage such situations by creating a safe and inclusive environment, providing various channels for communication, and encouraging healthy debates.

The Perfectionist 🕵️‍♀️

The Perfectionist is obsessed with details and over-engineering.

Manage such situations by lowering their expectations, helping them focus on simple and working solutions, and asking them for a second opinion.

The Unreliable One 🤡

The Unreliable One is constantly late, submits unfinished work, and skips meetings.

Manage such situations by setting clear expectations, holding them accountable, and providing feedback on the impact of their behavior.

The Conflict Instigator 😈

The Conflict Instigator is argumentative, aggressive, and disruptive.

Handle such situations by addressing the actions immediately, emphasizing the importance of staying professional, and enforcing a hostility zero-tolerance policy.

The Burned-Out Employee 😰

The Burned-Out Employee is showing signs of exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy over the previous observable period.

Address the issue with as much empathy and concern as you have. Suggest they take a vacation or sabbatical.