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How do the 3 scrum roles👩🏫👨💼👨💻 promote self-organization?

May 14, 2023

The Scrum Team consists of 3 distinct Scrum roles (accountabilities in scrum guide 2020) that promote self-organization: the 👩 🏫Scrum Master, the 👨 💼Product Owner, and the 👨 💻👩 💻Development Team.

The accountability of each role complements the accountability of the other roles.

Hence, collaboration🤝 between these roles is the key to success:

👩 🏫 The Scrum Master, through servant leadership, coaches, facilitates, educates, and guides the team to solve its own problems by using the three pillars of empiricism.

The Scrum Master understands that constructive disagreements are necessary to build 👷 ♀️ high-performing teams.

The Scrum Master allows the team to learn from the cycle of failing, trying, and failing again.

The Scrum Master also helps self-organization by proactively and uncompromisingly removing 🧹 impediments that are beyond the team’s self-organization capability.

👨 💼 The Product Owner closely interacts with stakeholders and product management to identify 🔬 the most valuable work.

The Product Owner relies on the Development Team for the actual delivery of a potentially shippable 📦 software increment in every Sprint.

At every Sprint Review, the stakeholders help the team in shaping the future product.

👨 💻👩 💻 The Development Team members collaboratively select their own work from the Product Backlog ordered by the Product Owner.

They collaboratively create actionable activities to realize their forecast 🔮 as reflected in the Sprint Backlog.

They re-plan their work on a daily basis within the time-boxed Sprint to optimize the team’s output.

They deliver a potentially releasable increment 📦 (integrated with increments of other teams, if multiple teams are involved) of software at the end of each Sprint.

This self-directedness, the ability for people to direct their own work, motivates 🙌 them and reinforces self-organization.