- 🏆 React is the most in-demand frontend framework with a total of 225,000 job postings counted.
- 🥈 Angular comes in second, with a total of 172,000 offers.
- 🥉 In third position we find Vue, with 48k offers.
- 🍀 "Other" represents all other frontend frameworks
#react #angular #vue #job #market #share

Additionally, React is the highest-paying front-end framework, with an average annual salary of $116k 🤑.
🅰 ANGULAR: That being said, Angular also has a significant share of job offerings, with 38% of front-end positions requiring knowledge of Angular.
Given the diminished interest reported by the StateOfJs2022 survey (only 20%), Angular could be a very viable option. It potentially offers less competition than React but still maintains a high volume of job opportunities. These insights could be valuable 👌 for those embarking on a career as a front-end developer.
✅ VUE: About Vue, it is a great framework and enjoys popularity, but the job market for Vue is comparatively smaller🤏. Starting with Vue as the primary frontend framework might not be advisable ⚠; instead, beginning with React or Angular and then transitioning to Vue if necessary would be a more strategic approach🧠.