Imposter syndrome, also known as imposter phenomenon, involves some or all of the feelings below:
―you are a fraud and you will be exposed.
―you don’t deserve your success.
―you don’t have the skills or talent.
―that other people have it all together.
―that your achievements are due to luck.
―you don’t deserve your success.
―you don’t have the skills or talent.
―that other people have it all together.
―that your achievements are due to luck.
There is some confusion in the workplace about Imposter Syndrome.
You may have heard it to describe someone who is in a key position but appears to others to be incapable of performing well in it,
perhaps because they lack the required knowledge and skills.
In fact, this describes what Imposter Syndrome is not.
Research suggests that the syndrome is more likely to affect very capable high-achievers.
You may have heard it to describe someone who is in a key position but appears to others to be incapable of performing well in it,
perhaps because they lack the required knowledge and skills.
In fact, this describes what Imposter Syndrome is not.
Research suggests that the syndrome is more likely to affect very capable high-achievers.
Most leaders experience moments of doubt, and that’s normal.
Although it is not a mental health condition, Imposter Syndrome is more than moments of doubt.
It actually poses a barrier for people to achieve their full potential.
Although it is not a mental health condition, Imposter Syndrome is more than moments of doubt.
It actually poses a barrier for people to achieve their full potential.