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COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE: Spring Framework Master Class - Java Spring the Modern Way -

· java,mooc,self-promo
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I just finished a course on Spring which explains the main features and some side practical concepts like Eclipse/Maven.

The top topics of this course are the JDBC/JPA and the AOP parts.

If you wanna know more about its content, here the topics:

Topics 👇👇👇

  • ▪️Spring Framework - Dependency Injection, IOC Container, Application Context and Bean Factory.
  • ▪️Spring Annotations - @Autowired, @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Configuration, @Primary....
  • ▪️Spring MVC in depth - DispatcherServlet , Model, Controllers and ViewResolver
  • ▪️Spring Boot Starters - Spring Boot Starter Web, Starter Data Jpa, Starter Test
  • ▪️Basics of Spring Boot, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC and JPA
  • ▪️Basics of Eclipse, Maven, JUnit and Mockito
  • ▪️Basic concept of a Web application step by step using JSP Servlets and Spring MVC
  • ▪️Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito using XML and Java Spring Application Contexts