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In May 2022 over 70,000 developers told Stackoverflow how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and what they want.
In May 2022 over 70,000 developers told Stackoverflow how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and what they want.
👨💻 Developer Profile
- ▫️66% of developers learned through Udemy online course platform
- ▫️46% of developers are fullstack developers
💻 Technology
- ▫️JavaScript is still the programming language the most used by developers, Java is in sixth position
- ▫️React.js is the second most common web technology (Angular is 5th)
- ▫️MySQL & PosgreSQL are the most used databases
- ▫️AWS is the most used cloud platform (2nd: Azure, 3rd: Google Cloud)
- ▫️Visual Studio Code is the most used IDE (IntelliJ is 3rd, Eclipse 9th)
- ▫️Jira is the most used asynchronous work tool
- ▫️Zoom is the most used synchronous tool, followed by MS Teams
- ▫️Windows is the most used OS
- ▫️There is a strong appeal to learn Go or Rust from developers
🦑 Version control
- ▫️Git is the most used
- ▫️Developers do git mainly with command-line
💼 Work
- ▫️42% of developers are fully remote
- ▫️72% do code outside work as a hobby