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In May 2022 over 70,000 developers told Stackoverflow how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and what they want.

· coding,workplace

In May 2022 over 70,000 developers told Stackoverflow how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and what they want.

👨‍💻 Developer Profile

  • ▫️66% of developers learned through Udemy online course platform
  • ▫️46% of developers are fullstack developers

💻 Technology

  • ▫️JavaScript is still the programming language the most used by developers, Java is in sixth position
  • ▫️React.js is the second most common web technology (Angular is 5th)
  • ▫️MySQL & PosgreSQL are the most used databases
  • ▫️AWS is the most used cloud platform (2nd: Azure, 3rd: Google Cloud)
  • ▫️Visual Studio Code is the most used IDE (IntelliJ is 3rd, Eclipse 9th)
  • ▫️Jira is the most used asynchronous work tool
  • ▫️Zoom is the most used synchronous tool, followed by MS Teams
  • ▫️Windows is the most used OS
  • ▫️There is a strong appeal to learn Go or Rust from developers

🦑 Version control

  • ▫️Git is the most used
  • ▫️Developers do git mainly with command-line

💼 Work

  • ▫️42% of developers are fully remote
  • ▫️72% do code outside work as a hobby