
Wanna rest your fingers?
Do WINDOWS_key + H, you can fill text by voice thanks to Cortana
Some Voice commands:
- Select "word"
- Select that
- Select the "next three words"
- Select the "previous two paragraphs"
- Start spelling/ Stop spelling
- Clear selection
- Unselect that
- Delete that/ Strike that/ Delete "word"
- Go after that/ Move after "word"/ Go to the end of "paragraph"/ Go after "word"/ Move after "word"/ Go to the end of that/ Move to the end of "paragraph"
- Go up to the previous "paragraph"/ Move back to the previous "word"
- Go to the start of the "word"/ Go before that/ Move to the start of that
- Go down to the next "paragraph"/ Move forward to the next "word"/ Go to the end of the "paragraph"/ Move to the end of the "word"
- Press "key"
- Tap "key" Supported keys: Tab, Enter, End, Home, Page up, Page down, Backspace, Delete