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The untold history of web development

December 24, 2023

1990: HTML invented

1994: CSS invented to fix HTML

1995: JS invented to fix HTML/CSS

2006: jQuery invented to fix JS

2010: AngularJS invented to fix jQuery

2013: React invented to fix AngularJS

2014: Vue invented to fix React & Angular

2016: Angular 2 invented to fix AngularJS & React

2019: Svelte 3 invented to fix React, Angular, Vue

2019: React hooks invented to fix React

2020: Vue 3 invented to fix React hooks

2020: Solid invented to fix React, Angular, Svelte, Vue

2020: HTMX 1.0 invented to fix React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, Solid

2021: React suspense invented to fix React, again

2023: Svelte Runes invented to fix Svelte

2024: jQuery still used on 75% of websites

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