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🍃🎓 SPRING CERTIFICATION QUESTION: Which one is not a Stereotype annotation?

August 3, 2023

Which one is not a Stereotype annotation?

  • @Configuration
  • @Controller
  • @Service
  • @Autowired

#spring #certificationquestion #vcp

a stereotype annotation is a special annotation that is used to indicate the role or purpose of a particular component within the application.

These annotations are used to mark a class, interface, or method as belonging to a particular category or stereotype, such as a service, repository, or component.

Here are some of the most commonly used stereotype annotations in Spring framework:

@Component: This is the most general-purpose stereotype annotation and is used to mark any class as a component that can be managed by the Spring Framework.

@Service: This annotation is used to mark a class as a service, which is a class that provides business logic or exposes an API to other components.

@Repository: This annotation is used to mark a class as a repository, which is a class that provides access to data storage.

@Controller: This annotation is used to mark a class as a controller, which is a class that handles HTTP requests.

@RestController: This annotation is a specialization of @Controller that is used to mark a class as a RESTful controller, which is a controller that returns data in a RESTful format.

In addition to these annotations, there are also a number of other stereotype annotations that are available in Spring framework.

These annotations can be used to mark classes, interfaces, or methods as belonging to specific categories or stereotypes.

Stereotype annotations are a powerful tool that can be used to simplify the development of Spring applications.

By using stereotype annotations, you can easily identify the different components in your application and how they interact with each other.

This can help you to write more modular and maintainable code.

@Autowired is not a stereotype annotation.

It is a dependency injection annotation that is used to inject dependencies into a bean.

Stereotype annotations are used to mark classes as having a particular role or purpose within the application,

while @Autowired is used to inject dependencies into a bean.

Here is a summary the difference between stereotype annotations and @Autowired:

Stereotype annotations-> Mark classes as having a particular role or purpose within the application.

@Autowired-> Inject dependencies into a bean.