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💰🌥🍃 #SaveMoney on #CloudCosts by upgrading #springboot from 2.6 to 3.2 by Michael Coté #finops

· springboot,finops,spring

You can reduce your cloud bill 💰📜 right now if you just upgrade from Spring Boot 2.6 to Spring Boot 3.2.

This works because you end up using less memory 💾, and a much smaller boot-up 🚀 time (time that passes from the moment the power is turned on until the device is ready to be used) for your applications.

That means you don't need as beefy 🐂 VMs (Virtual Machines) up in your cloud or wherever you're running things.

And you also have faster startup times so you don't need long-running processes and you don't have to pay for that.

This gets to one of the major ways that you save money with fin OPS, and that is to fix your application architecture.

Your cloud costs often come from the way your application is written, and the way that it runs.

And so keeping your version of Spring up to date is one of the better ways to get cost savings for free.


My friend DaShaun did an experiment with this where he showed that going from Spring Boot 2.6 to Spring Boot 3.2 reduces 📉 the memory footprint for his application from 360Mo down to 83.4 Mo.

And then the startup time for his Spring Boot-based app went from 1.4 seconds down to 0.61 seconds!

That's a 95% speedup 😱 in booting up your VM time.

☝ Conclusion:

That means that you can move to more of a serverless microservices model where you don't have long-running processes.

And then, of course, your memory footprint is much smaller, meaning you can reset the kind of VMs and other cloud resources that you're using, so your costs are lower.

⚙👩⚕️ Spring Health Assessment:

If you want to get a sense of how you can upgrade your Spring apps, and what they're doing, you can check out a free new tool called the Spring Health Assessment.

You upload your project to it and it looks through it and tells you the potential that you have in a nice pretty report with donut charts and how you can upgrade things.