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October 1, 2023

𝐏ðŦðĻ𝐠ðŦ𝐚ðĶðĶ𝐞ðŦ𝐎 ðĐðŦ𝐞𝐟𝐞ðŦ 𝐰ðŦðĒ𝐭ðĒ𝐧𝐠 𝐭ðĻ ðŦ𝐞𝐚𝐝ðĒ𝐧𝐠 𝐜ðĻ𝐝𝐞 ✍ïļ

Programmers often prefer writing code over reading it, finding the latter challenging, especially when it involves others' code.

However, reading code can enhance one's coding skills.

Analyze if the code is easy or hard to read, examining factors like formatting, naming, and cohesion.

Learn from others' mistakes and appreciate diversity in coding styles.

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Additionally, explore readable code for insights like design patterns or efficient methods.

Revisiting your own old code reveals personal growth and highlights areas for improvement.

Programmers should prioritize reading code as a means to enhance programming skills over traditional learning methods.

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So, the next time you feel the need to improve your programming skills, don't read another book.

Read code.

It's a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration that can help you become a better coder and develop a deeper understanding of the craft.

Embrace the challenges of reading code, both your own and others, and use it as a tool for continuous learning and improvement in the world of programming.

#programming #must #readingCode