🗳️ POLL:👨💻 What’s your preferred title? DEVELOPER/ ENGINEER/ PROGRAMMER/ TECH
🗳️ POLL:👨💻 What’s your preferred title? DEVELOPER/ ENGINEER/ PROGRAMMER/ TECH

Follower said:
Title: Architect.Answer to "What's your profession?": Computer programmer.Some jurisdictions will not permit me to call myself "engineer".
I said:
In France, the title of “engineer” is not legally protected. However, the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) is the authority that accredits institutions to award the recognized title of “graduate engineer.” Only schools accredited by the CTI can confer this title..
Other follower said:
The programmer title implies that you need to write computer code. The developer title implies that you need to build some software. Sometimes, you only need to download something from the internet and use it. Therefore, I think that the title, engineer , is the best.
#progamming #title #poll