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☕🗳️ POLL: Do you use varargs? YES/NO

May 10, 2024



In Java, varargs (short for variable-length arguments) is a feature that allows you to pass an arbitrary number of values to a method. A method that accepts a variable number of arguments is known as a variable-arity method, or simply a varargs method.

⚙️ Here’s how it works:

You declare a varargs parameter in a method by using an ellipsis (...), which follows the datatype of the parameter.

Internally, this varargs parameter is treated as an array of the specified type.

You can call the method with any number of arguments (including none), and those arguments will be stored in an array that’s automatically created.

🧑‍💻 Here’s an example to illustrate varargs in Java:

In the sumNumbers method, int... numbers is a varargs parameter that can take any number of int arguments. When the method is called, each set of arguments is passed as an array to the method, allowing for a flexible number of arguments.

🚨 Note: While varargs can be very useful, they should be used judiciously. If you know the exact number of arguments that will be passed to a method, it’s better to use method overloading instead. Also, a method can have only one varargs parameter, and it must be the last parameter in the method’s signature. This ensures that there’s no ambiguity about which arguments go to which parameters.

#java #programming #varargs