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#fr Joyeux Javanniversaire! 🎂☕

May 31, 2023

Java a été créé officiellement le 23 mai 1995. Cette date est considérée comme l'anniversaire de Java, car c'est ce jour-là que Sun Microsystems a annoncé publiquement le lancement du langage de programmation Java lors de la conférence SunWorld. Donc, le 23 mai 1995 marque la naissance officielle de Java en tant que langage de programmation.


🔹 This week, Let’s commemorate a significant milestone in the world of software development—the first public release of Java on May 23, 1995. Let's highlight some key features introduced in each major release leading up to Java 19. 🌐

1️⃣ Java Alpha(1995): In this initial public release, Java introduced a new era of portable, object-oriented programming. It brought the promise of "Write Once, Run Anywhere," enabling developers to build applications that could run on different platforms.

2️⃣ Java 1.0(1996): This official release solidified Java's position as a powerful and versatile programming language, providing a robust set of features and libraries.

3️⃣ Java 1.2(1998): Swing, a graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit, made its appearance, revolutionizing how developers created interactive and visually appealing applications.

4️⃣ Java 1.5(2004): Generics brought type safety to collections and improved code readability and maintainability.

5️⃣ Java 1.7(2011): The Fork/Join framework simplified the development of parallel applications, enabling developers to harness the power of multicore processors efficiently.

6️⃣ Java 1.8(2014): Lambda expressions empowered developers with functional programming capabilities, enabling concise and expressive code.

7️⃣ Java 9(2017): The module system arrived, offering better code organization and improved performance through modular development.

8️⃣ Java 10(2018): Introduction of local variable type inference (var) reduced boilerplate code and enhanced developer productivity.

9️⃣ Java 11(2018): This release marked the beginning of a faster release cadence and long-term support (LTS) releases, ensuring stability and reliability.

🔟 Java 12(2019): Switch expressions expanded the capabilities of the switch statement, making it more flexible and powerful.

1️⃣1️⃣ Java 13(2019): Text blocks simplified string manipulation and formatting, improving code readability.

1️⃣2️⃣ Java 14(2020): Pattern matching for instanceof improved code readability and reduced boilerplate code when working with complex data structures.

1️⃣3️⃣ Java 15(2020): Sealed classes and interfaces enhanced code security by specifying the permitted subclasses upfront.

1️⃣4️⃣ Java 16(2021): Records simplified the creation of immutable data classes, reducing boilerplate code and improving code clarity.

1️⃣5️⃣ Java 17(2021): The latest LTS release brought enhanced security, performance improvements, and new language features like pattern matching for switch.

1️⃣6️⃣ Java 18(2022): Record patterns and improved pattern matching for switch expressions further strengthened Java's expressiveness and readability.

1️⃣7️⃣ Java 19(2022): The introduction of sealed interface classes extended the capabilities of sealed classes, ensuring enhanced type safety.


#28YearsOfJava #java #programming