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⁉ Do you know Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model? 💢💥

· soft-skills,team
broken image

🌟 Key Points:

Conflict is Inevitable: 🏢💥

  • Part of any workplace.
  • Can be healthy for growth or caused by problematic individuals.
  • Conflict Resolution: 🛠️
  • Essential for effective management.
  • Ensures smooth business operations.
  • Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model: 📊
  • Developed by Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann in 1974.
  • Identifies five core conflict resolution methods.


🧩 Conflict Resolution Methods:

Avoiding: 🚶♂️❌

  • Low assertiveness, low cooperation.
  • Avoids conflict entirely.
  • Accommodating: 🤝
  • Low assertiveness, high cooperation.
  • Yields to others’ stances.
  • Compromising: ⚖️
  • Moderate assertiveness and cooperation.
  • Finds a middle ground.

Competing: 🏆

  • High assertiveness, low cooperation.
  • Pushes one’s own agenda.

Collaborating: 🤝💪

  • High assertiveness, high cooperation.
  • Works together for a win-win solution.

🧭 Dimensions of the Model:

  • Assertiveness: 💪
  • Taking initiative and pushing one’s will.
  • Useful for quick results, ethical issues, or when certain of being right.

Cooperation: 🤝

  • Working together and considering different viewpoints.
  • Useful when no clear solution exists or to lower workplace tensions.


⚖️ Balancing Act:

Knowing when to be assertive vs. cooperative is crucial.

Different situations require different approaches.

This model helps managers identify and resolve conflicts effectively, ensuring a harmonious and productive workplace. 😊