The _____ Pattern is a design pattern that allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes.
It involves a context that delegates its behavior to state objects, making it appear as if the object changes its class.
* State
* Strategy
* Template
* Visitor
The State Pattern is a behavioral design pattern in software development that allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.
It enables an object to appear as if it's changing its class when, in reality, it's changing its behavior based on its current state.

Context: The Context is the object that holds a reference to the current state object and delegates its behavior to the state object.
The context's behavior changes as its internal state changes.
State: The State is an interface or abstract class that defines a set of methods representing the various behaviors associated with different states.
Concrete state classes implement these methods.
Concrete State: Concrete State classes are specific implementations of the State interface.
Each concrete state class defines the behavior that the context should exhibit when it's in that particular state.
The State Pattern is useful in situations where an object's behavior depends on its internal state, and it simplifies code by encapsulating each state's behavior into separate classes.
It promotes modularity, extensibility, and flexibility, making it easier to add or modify states and their associated behaviors.