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📐 DESIGN PATTERN: Active Object

· pattern

The _____ Pattern is a design pattern that enables methods to run asynchronously,

improving application responsiveness and avoiding blocking of the calling thread.

It's valuable for time-consuming or I/O-bound operations.

* Scheduler

* Thread Pool

* Async Method Invocation

* Active Object

#design #pattern #asyncMethodInvocation


broken image

Key components and concepts of the Async Method Invocation Pattern:

1) Caller:

The Caller is the component or code that initiates the asynchronous method invocation. It typically continues its own work without waiting for the invoked method to complete.

2) Receiver:

The Receiver is the object or code that provides the method to be executed asynchronously. It processes the request and returns the result when it's ready.

3) Asynchronous Mechanism:

The Asynchronous Mechanism is the infrastructure or language feature that enables asynchronous method invocation. This may involve callbacks, promises, async/await in modern languages, or other asynchronous programming techniques.

The Async Method Invocation Pattern helps improve application responsiveness by allowing the calling thread to continue its work while waiting for the invoked method to finish. It's commonly used in scenarios like network communication, file I/O, and long-running computations, where waiting for the operation to complete would lead to poor user experience or inefficient resource utilization.