· mashup,fullstack

I just finished an Angular training, here some interesting related topics on Angular.

Visual code assistant

ctrl +; : pop the assistant in french keyboard

ctrl + . : pop the assistant in us keyboard

broken image


Command shortcuts


Input decorator


 Input ( @Input() ) is one of the most used decorators in Angular apps. It is used to pass data from the parent or host component to the child component. This decorator has a relation with DOM property in the template where the child component is used.


To define an input for a component, use the @Input decorator.

For example component needs a user argument to render information about that user:

So, you need to add an @Input binding to user:


Use compodoc


Use ngx-translate

Hook onDestroy and memory leaks

One scenario where you are using Observable and subscribing it in a component and are getting a stream of data.

You should use ngOnDestroy and unsubscribe it when you leave the page to prevent the memory leak.

Output Decorator


@Output decorator is used to pass the data from child to parent component. @Output decorator binds a property of a component, to send data from one component to the calling component. @Output binds a property of the type of angular EventEmitter class.


In the output user-component

Immutability on object

Change detection

detectchange vs markforcheck

The biggest difference between the two is that detectChanges() actually triggers change detection, while markForCheck() doesn't trigger change detection.

Transclusion with ng-content

Form control and form group

Reactive forms provide a model-driven approach to handling form inputs whose values change over time. This guide shows you how to create and update a simple form control, progress to using multiple controls in a group, validate form values, and implement more advanced forms.

SCSS rather than CSS

Variable handling

syntax imbrications

Use of bootsrap and jquery

TrackBy in ngFor: performance lever

To refresh only the tracked items

Unit test with Jasmine

Launch npm run test

Use several describe to group same functional matter tests

Use xdescribe and xit to deactivate bunch of tests or designated test


Guards protect application from user tricking the URL

No more "a href" with routes, use routerLink

Use the colon for parameters in route:


use the chrome F12

use of localstorage

Trivial for primitives such as string, number

To handle array:

visu in chrome F12>application>localstorage>file

Do not use localstorage for sensitive data because user can change it

Prime NG, AntDesign

To get components



For all the application

Do generic stuff

Used with

  1. requests
  2. scripts error
  3. parsing of JSON api

Promises dismissed for Observables

Three states: pending, resolved, rejected

Once a promised is reject or resolved, there are no way back

Promise thenable once the status is done.

It was designed to answer the callbacks hell.


subject (wait first change to load the data)

behaviorsubject (loads data at initialization)

subscribe and unsubscribe the memory death combo

operator pipe(take(1),filter({}))

pipe(map()) to transform values

forkjoin(list of observable like http requests) subscribe once all observable are triggered

Lazy loading

Do not import in the app module the lazy loading module

Declare the route of the lazy module as follows:

In the lazy module

Create a routing module dedicated to the routing of the lazy module

Import the routing module in the lazy module

Lazy load the modules not used frequently

Use preloadingStrategy:PreloadAllModules (on the app module) to trigger the lazy modules once the standard modules are loaded

Unit test on observables

Use mocks

Listen a property and return a fake dataset on that property