Many organizations are opting for online collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams for remote work. Here's how to get the most out of the service.
1. Share to Outlook from Teams
=>Within the message or channel, click More Options, select Share to Outlook, choose recipient, customize the email, and send.
2. Assign tags to names
=>ie: simply select the @manager to send the message to those individuals
3. Create teams across the organization
4. Sync files to your desktop from teams
=>Powered by Sharepoint
5. Record Teams meetings and group calls
=>Users must have access to Microsoft Stream
6. Add important apps to Teams
=>Go to Apps on the left hand side and either search an app or browse the app categories. Then click adds on your app choice.
7. Test out Slack integration
8. Mute conversations
=>Go to a conversation, select 'More options,' then 'Turn off notifications/Turn on Notifications,'
9. Pin apps to the left-hand rail
=>locate the app, right-click on it, and select Pin. That puts it on the left bar.
10. Play with QBot
=>allows to answer one another's questions